Create a valuable title for your blog articles

Friday 31 July 2009

the title of blog articlesCreating the title of your blog articles is certainly very important. As your interest in a book, the visitor of the internet interest on a blog article is determined more by the title of it. Imagine, if a book with a great content doesn’t have the title that interesting, perhaps people will never know the good of that book contents.

Then if you are planning to follow your blog for a variety of paid review program, it's good if you have early attention to a few good things about the title of your blog articles. Of course the most part that determine is the content of your article, and its relevance to a particular keyword searched. However, as the beginner just like me, you notice that the article title components will also build your blog.

• Creating an Article Title
Of course you can freely give the title of your article. But it's good you choose a title that is unique and interesting. Note that the article juduk you have a keyword that you want. No tempted to put a lot of cool keywords visitors search the internet. If you do so, some visitors may be trapped. But it will not provide a lot of influence, for they will soon leave your blog.

So, prioritize the match between the title and the content of your article. Should, remain consistent to use keywords that are relevant to your blog. Keep one of your target keyword in the title of each article. But also you don’t have to be too forced, it isn’t good if it doesn’t even have a relationship with the contents of the article. In addition, try to make the title concise, preferably not more than 50 characters, so that the title of your article doesn’t cut off in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

• Creating an Article Sub Title
If you feel that the title of your article haven’t been too clear, but you also avoid to make too long title of the article, its have a good idea to create a sub title of the article. This sub-title can be placed in the body of the article by adding h2 tags at the beginning and end of the sentence of your subtitles.

I recommend you to make a sub-title that is also a keyword you want, but try not to repeat the keyword in the title. Benefits of use of subtitles, you can explain more about the content of your article. Also, it can give a stronger impression, which can make the visitor interested to visit your blog, when they find your article on the search engine index page.

Well, that all my notes about writing a title of blog articles. If you have discipline to apply them since the beginning of your blogging, you will to able to always do this. This will help you at any time to write articles in your blog. And you will immediately get benefit from the title of your article, in the form of traffic.

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Paid Writing

Thursday 30 July 2009

paid writingBelieve or not, the most reasonable way to get money from blogging is to write. Yes, paid for writing. On the other side, this is way how to get the money secure, because you will not make a mistake click on the ad itself, such as the potentially occur in the PPC. Or, can be said that writing is paying legal ways to earn money online.

It is important to note, that there are many people who are paid to write online every day on the internet. And, there are many affiliate programs with this pay mode. So, if you are serious about making money online, I highly recommend that you start writing short articles to be paid.

At lease, there are two reason:

1.Most of the Internet content is the text
Of course, image, photograph, audio and video also enliven the internet as the content. But however, the headline, which sought the browser, of course, they will get in writing. Until the next level anywhere, image, photograph, audio and video in the end require, must be in a written text as a detailed explanation. Suppose that browser are want to know about a product. Perhaps, initially they will be interested in the pictures, images, audio and video of the product. But after that, they will find out the details in the form of product reviws.

2.Blogging is based on writing activities
When you decide to start blogging activities, you actually realize that the main content of your blog is written. No problem, if the goal is learn to write or distribute your writing talent, but that means you hone your ability to write. This is already your basic investment for the paid writing programs. Moreover you dont need write ability or certain writing background to start this. Simply by typing 300 words that make sense and avoid grammatical errors, and you can already do this and make some money!

Something that you need on the side of writing willingness, only a little research on the topic that is needed. This is easily done because affiliate programs usually provide direct links to research material. After enough to know about the topic required, you can start writing to add your own opinions, so that any posts you write more " have soul". It's not that easy ? To write, the average person who have basic typing skills can type more than 300 words in only just 5 minutes!

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Free eBooks of Paid Writing

Wednesday 29 July 2009

1. Google Adsense Guide (Ind)


2. SEO Starter Guide (Ind)
eBook SEO Starter Guide (Ind)

3. Paid Program List and Guide
Ebook Paid Program List and Guide

4. Cash Raking Tricks
eBook Blog Cash Raking Tricks

5. Affiliate Marketing for Newbies
eBook Affiliate Marketing for Newbies

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DD Premyos
Hai,I am a 30 years old man, a husband of a pretentious woman. Live in a small town with the green mountains around it. My hobby is writing. Blogging for me is to publish the thoughts and share experiences. Besides blogging, I teach at a university for writing lessons. My hobby is fishing, traveling, try new shoes, try a variety of cuisines, culinary tourism. I am particularly interested in the knowledge of SEO, blogging tips and tricks, computer hardware and software. I work mainly in the field of research, film making, printing business.
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